Climate, COVID-19, and Education: Building a Nation of Problem Solvers

In this month's essay in the National Council for Science and the Environment, Judy Braus, Executive Director, North American Association for Environmental Education, explores the parallels and intersections of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change and highlights the importance of environmental education in addressing both challenges.

Judy Braus writes, “Environmental education teaches us about earth systems, about human engagement with our environment, about the use and equitable allocation of natural resources, about civic engagement and critical thinking, and about social justice. At its core, environmental education is about creating a nation of problem solvers for the future. As a society, we need to ensure that we’re regenerating and reimagining the expertise we’ll need in the future. Environmental education also restores hope and provides uplifting experiences in nature, in classrooms, and in communities that help heal our hearts and heads and inspire us to tackle tough challenges.” She goes on to talk more about the need to come together around Climate Change work, as we continue to battle our current COVID-19 pandemic. Read more on the National Council for Science and the Environment website.